Rice Bran Oil Extraction Machine Process Flow Introduction

Post time:2014-11-11

rice bran oil extraction machine process flow introduction. Sell Rice bran oil extraction machine...

 Rice is one of the world's most important food crops and more than half of the people in the world eat rice as the main part of their diets. In addition for cooking meal, rice also can be the material to making rice bran oil. Rice Bran Oil is truly "The World's Healthiest" edible oil, containing vitamins, antioxidants, nutrients and trans fat free.
The Rice Bran Oil Extraction Machine unit begins with raw material preparation. Rice bran is first screened. It is then heated by steam at temperature higher than 100 degrees Celsius to stop Lipase hydrolysis in rice bran prior to extraction.
The follow is rice bran oil extraction machine process flow:
Rice bran oil extracting.jpg

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