Palm Oil Extraction Machine, Palm Oil Extraction Process

Post time:2014-09-09

What’s the PALM OIL EXTRACTION MACHINE process? How can the palm from fruit become into palm oil?...

 Many tropical locations, such as Africa, have large-scale palm oil mills that extract oil using mechanized equipment. The majority of global palm oil production occurs at large plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia. All factories have stages involved in oil extraction.
What’s the PALM OIL EXTRACTION MACHINE process? How can the palm from fruit become into palm oil?

Firstly, the fruits go through a process known as threshing, in which each piece of fruit is separated from the rest of the bunch.
After threshing, the next step in palm oil production involves pressing the fruit to separate the oil from the skin and pulp. Some facilities place the fruit into large rotating drums, which start to break down the fruit and release some of the oil. This is followed by pressing, wherein heavy metal plates are mechanically pressed into the fruit to squeeze out the oil. Pressing machines may use hydraulic or pneumatic power to process large batches at once. The oil is then diluted with water and filtered through a screen to help remove debris and impurities. Crude palm oil need to put into palm oil refinery machine for further processing.

Palm oil extraction process is a complex process. If you have problems about palm oil extraction machine, pls feel free to contact us.

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